Pig Farming

Pig Farming

Pig farming is our passion. It is one of our core family business. We ensure that our pigs are brought up in an environment where they are fed nutritious food and can move freely around in a safe and hygienic environment ensuring top quality production. Pig production is a science these days and we have specialists consulting to us on all areas of pig production. Our sows are a Landrace, Duroc, and Large White.


The Landrace means that we produce pigs with a longer loin which is the most valuable part of the pig.


The Duroc is specific for outdoor production as it has a hardy skin which protects against sunburn in hot weather and grows a fur to keep warm in cold weather. The Duroc is also well known for its intramuscular fat or “marbling” which of course gives amazing flavor and succulence.


The Large White is a large, lean breed with big hams and so whilst the Duroc delivers the intramuscular fat and flavor, the mixing with the Large White means that we don't get too much back fat on our pigs and we get a good meat yield and uniformity which is what our customers want, a good consistent pig product.


The welfare of our pigs is of the highest priority on our farm. To ensure that our pigs enjoy a high-standard of living, we strive to exceed industry standards. Our passion is evident in the quality of our piglets and pork, which meets top global standards.